Sunday, July 7, 2019

A Guide To Changing Tire Using Roll On Trailer Jack

By Mark Robinson

One of the most dreaded things that motorists get is having a flat tire. Truck drivers suffer a lot when the vehicles get a damaged tire. However, there is a simple step by step that they can change the tires even in the absence of a mechanic using a roll on trailer jack. However, they need to ensure that it is in the right place.

Drive the truck to level ground. Do not park it at the roadside, since it might roll to the side. If you do not find a level field, park it on one side of the road and place warning signs and turn on both the indicator lights and the headlights to warn other motorists that there is some maintenance going on.

Change the gear to the parking mode. Turn off the ignition to avoid any movement that might take place when operating on the vehicle. If there are officers on the ground, alert them so that they can clear any traffic for you. This will also guarantee you of safety since some road users might ignore any warning you have put for them.

Check whether the available jack is able to lift the trailer. You will find their specifications in the buyer manual. If the lorry is heavily loaded, offload some cargo until the truck attains the right mass. All of them come with a user manual to show how much weight they can lift without straining. Do not use one which can only support small weight since it will be damaged.

Put some objects behind the wheels to prevent the tires from rolling, as this is dangerous. Ensure the objects are in contact with the wheels to prevent any slight movement. Put a small object on the car jack that cannot scratch off the paint. If you are using a metal object to lift the car, you can cover it with a piece of paper.

Loosen the nuts until they are a few steps away from coming out of the wheel. Turn the jack to lift the tires that you want to operate on. Turn it until it is above the ground. While turning it, do not let any part of your body to lie under the truck, since a slight mistake might get the truck hit you

Loosen the nuts using a spanner. If the area where it is coming into contact with the car makes any noise, take it back to its place and turn it again. You can use a small object to push it to its place, but ensure that you take a lot of care to prevent it from turning over.

Put on a spare and tighten the nuts again until they get to their correct position. Roll on in the opposite direction until the tire gets to the ground then tighten the nuts. Remove the blocks from the other wheels and turn on the engine. Put the truck on a road test and correct any problem that might arise. Return the tools to the toolbox and proceed with the journey.

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