Friday, February 9, 2018

Some Jamaican Charities Are Doing A Good Job

By Gary Green

Charity is a good thing. It is great to help the under privileged members of society. There is something that one can do to make the world a better place. Many people who are suffering especially in the developing world. Most developing countries are in South America, Asia, and Africa. Jamaica is found in the West Indies and it is a third world country. There are a number of Jamaican charities. A particular charity can be involved with a certain line of work. Charity work is making a positive contribution in the world.

Poverty is a scar in the conscience of Jamaica and the world in general. It is the greatest irony that the world has an abundance of gold and silver yet there are people who are surviving on less than a dollar a day. Some developing nations even have mineral wealth but more than half of the population is living in poverty.

Eliminating poverty is the number one priority of the best charity organizations in Jamaica. To effectively deal with this issue, there is the need to arrest the root causes of the problem that are lack of finance, lack of financial education and having the wrong mindset. Once the mindset is changed and one gets the necessary financial resources, poverty will surely end.

In some place, people have to travel for miles so that to get water and the water that they obtain is water that is not fit for human consumption. The United Nations has put in place measures to make sure that all human being can easily access clean water. Non-governmental organizations are also helping in this area by digging boreholes in different places.

Water is a basic human need. Water is life. It is needed by humans and animals. It is impossible to live for more than one week without water. People also need food so that to survive. In some countries, droughts are killing millions of people and children are dying of malnutrition. The major cause of drought is climate change.

The goal of eliminating hunger is a very noble endeavor. That is what some Jamaica charities are focusing on. There is the need to distribute relief foods to the areas where they are required the most. People should also be enlightened on how to prevent droughts. The problem of deforestation has to be dealt with head on so that to eliminate droughts.

The key to unlocking the future is education. The future belongs to those who get an education today. Unfortunately, in Jamaica, many children do not go to school because of lack of school fees. In some places, there are even no schools where people can study. A charity organization can be concerned with building schools and distributing educational materials.

It is good to be a helpful individual. Those who help other people will one day be helped. In life, circumstances usually change. The helper can become the helped. That is the irony of life. One can help in cash or in kind. One can volunteer his skills to help people in need. Alternatively, one can make a cash donation to a reputable charity.

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