Thursday, March 30, 2017

Is Chicago Asbestos Really Putting You And Your Family At Risk

By Jose Hall

Most Chicago Illinois residents would be extremely disturbed to find out that there is cancer causing material embedded in the walls of their family homes. Lawyers frequently run television ads urging viewers to contact their offices if they or loved ones have gotten cancer and died after being exposed to powerful minerals that were widely used until the late nineteen eighties when they began to be phased out. They were not entirely banned until 2003. If you have concerns about your safety, you should do some research about how much risk Chicago asbestos may pose.

Uppermost on the minds of most homeowners is how to detect whether or not there is a potential problem. It is hard to determine if the material is present without hiring a trained professional to come in and investigate. They might find the substance in the vinyl tile flooring or backing in your kitchen or bathroom or as a coating on pipes, if you own an older home. Insulation is probably going to be where you eventually find it, if it is present at all. It is often discovered when sheet rock is pulled down and the insulation exposed during a renovation.

Property owners are very concerned about the health and well being of their families. They want to clearly understand the risks associated with this material. Most professionals say that, if the mineral is left alone, it should not be a cause for concern. Homes kept in good condition rarely pose a problem. It is only when the material gets into the air, where it can be inhaled, that it becomes a danger.

If you are planning to do some remodeling and are concerned about accidentally discovering this problem, you should consult a professional. You can go online to find someone in your area, but you need to make certain the company is qualified and has all the required certifications before you hire them.

Vermiculite is a mineral often used in insulation and potting soil. Some house hunters want to require its removal before they agree to close on a house. This is not necessary according to the Environmental Protection Agency. As long as it is completely contained within the structure, there should be no problem. If there is evidence of exposed insulation, a professional may have to access the situation.

Many older public schools have the material throughout their structures. Parents of students are rightly concerned about the risk it poses to their children. Every school system is required to have a management plan that is available to any parent who requests it. This report contains information about the amount, location, and plan to manage the substance.

Most people believe that all of this material is a danger, no matter where it is found. In most cases, if it is properly managed and contained, it poses little risk to individuals. Trying to remove it often causes more hazards than leaving it where it is.

There are natural carcinogens everywhere in nature and in man made materials. Understanding the risk and taking steps to minimize it is usually the best and most efficient way of living with them.

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